Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day two and three.

Checking in on Day two and Day three of this week to review the workouts.  So far I'm down 6 pounds! Happy dance Happy Dance!  I'm not big on the scale and I know there are far far better ways to measure success like inches and pant size and mental and physical health ( all of which are also improving) but the scale and I have been fighting since my little peanut was born and to see it moving effortlessly toward my pre baby weight is so exciting.  


Day Two: Agility X 
Other than Yoga this is my favorite. Two tape lines on the floor to help guide your moves. You're lunging, squatting, toe tapping and running around those suckers for 30 delightful minutes. This one is a sweat fest but the tush and legs feel just the right amount of sore the next day. There is a mix of speeds and modifications as needed. These tape lines are my new best buddies and our living room has never looked better ( kidding) 

Day three: Yoga 
I'm a yoga novice so I'm not sure the "type" but it flows from move to move relatively quickly and even has some tripod handstands included ( which for the record I cannot do).  I snuck this one in today with my kiddo running all over the place, so while I did get the workout done, I'm not sure I got the relaxing zen-like state I was hoping for. He's a pretty cute little yoga buddy if you ask me. 

Here's my most current photo ( Selfie alert!)  Starting to feel a bit smaller but this mommy tummy and I are going to have to battle it out I can just tell.  

Thanks for being on this adventure with me!  Holding myself accountable to this space is helping so much more than I could have imagined.  Horribly scary putting my life out here in this way, but in reality, my mom and my close friends are probably my only "readers" and they've already seen my mommy tummy. 



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