Monday, January 6, 2014

Let's Do This Thing

Okay so here it is... my pledge to finish all 90 days of P90X3 and write about it here.

Several months ago I signed up as a Beachbody Coach - mostly for the discount on Shakeology which I am now completely addicted to, but also because I thought if I can get myself in shape maybe I can help others do the same.  THE PROBLEM IS... I have yet to finish ANY program - and I own them all.  T25- awesome but only made it 6 weeks.  Les Mills Pump - amazing but after two weeks I just stopped.  The only thing I've ever been consistent with in working out was training for my Marathon and then just totally stopped running after finishing.  Who does that?! This girl.  But no more!

So you - all one of you reading this ( hey mom)  are my accountability buddies.

Here we go.

Day 1:  Total Synergistics  - great workout. I'm modifying using the resistance bands instead of the pull up bar ( for now anyway).  Perfect nap time workout today. Tony Horton is funny as always and other than feeling totally uncoordinated during a few of the combo moves, I'm going to say I nailed this workout today.

Nutrition:  the meal plan for this program is all about intuitive eating.  I know, I know - "what if my intuitive eating says eat only chocolate"  luckily there is a food list. Sadly cheat meals and alcohol are a don't for the first 90 days.  I'm doing the 1,800 cals a day option according to the included meal plan.  That feels like a ton!

No blog post would be complete without some pics right?  So here are a few recents.

Me and the babe post workout having lunch. 

New Year's - 7 pm with friends and the babe.  Rocking my new Michael Kors bag
Yes it's a selfie it happens

 Lumberjack plaid for a friend's birthday.  Love that Colorado Style.  

Stay tuned:  I'm not sure I will post every day but I promise to include at least a weekly check in.  I know I know you're just as pumped as I am.  



1 comment:

  1. Good for you Nicole! I finished p90x after having Jay and so happy that I did. I wish that I had the time (energy) to commit to it now but I can't seem to find time to finish our laundry as it is ;) I am trying to muddle my way through at the Y and am logging stuff with my fitbit. I am sure I won't be as successful as I was with p90x but I hope to see at least some results. Good luck with your next 90 days, I am cheering for you!
